Brow lift
The effects of aging can appear in the forehead area in the form of deep horizontal lines, heavy brows, and “frown lines.”
A brow lift is designed to address these changes, restoring a smooth, lifted and youthful facial appearance.

Before and After Photos
All About the Brow Lift
With age, lines and wrinkles inevitably develop on the forehead, and the surrounding tissues begin to droop. These effects can create a perpetually angry, stressed or unpleasant expression. By subtly elevating the brow and smoothing away any wrinkles, it’s possible to take years off your appearance. A brow lift can also be done as part of a facelift surgery as well.
Dramatic transformation
Technological advancements allow us to use significantly smaller incisions when performing a brow lift. Rather than a single lengthy incision, we can create a series of small cuts to perform surgery with an endoscope (a thin tube with a camera attached) and tiny surgical tools.
The benefits of an endoscopic approach when compared to a traditional brow lift include:
- No scalp resection
- Less scarring and bleeding
- Decreased numbness
In addition, the endoscopic brow lift is beneficial for patients with alopecia, and associated with a relatively comfortable and fast recovery.
Our plastic surgeons utilize an endoscopic approach whenever possible. The procedure is done under general anesthesia, which means you will be unconscious throughout the experience. Once you are sedated, we will create several small incisions along the scalp.
We will then insert an endoscope in one of the openings, which will allow the surgeon to visualize your underlying structures on a television screen in the operating room. Using small surgical tools, we will lift the forehead skin, reposition a drooping brow, and smooth away lines and wrinkles. To complete the procedure, we will trim away excess skin and close the incisions.
Once your surgery is complete, we will apply bandages to protect the area. These can be removed within two days. You will need to return to the office in two weeks to have your stitches removed.
Swelling and bruising in the treatment area is normal and should improve within one week. In the meantime, keep your head elevated to minimize these effects and ensure optimal healing.
Most patients considering a lift, have a droopy brow and fullness of the lateral upper eyelids. For these individuals, the procedure can elevate sagging tissue, and improve transverse forehead lines, glabellar creases and transverse folds at the root of the nose.
In general, the best San Diego brow lift candidates are between 40 and 50 years of age and just beginning to notice the signs of aging in the forehead area. To qualify for this procedure, you need to be in good general health, able to recover from surgery, and with realistic expectations regarding what a brow lift can accomplish.
When you work with an experienced San Diego plastic surgeon, complications are very rare. However, even in the hands of the best cosmetic surgeons, procedures are not without risk. Your surgeon will discuss these with you at your consultation.
A brow lift is a transformative procedure that can restore a more youthful overall look. To begin planning your procedure, please contact our Del Mar or Coronado office today and schedule a consultation.
Endoscopic Brow Lift
The endoscopic brow lift is our preferred version of this procedure. It involves less scarring than the traditional brow lift, but still allows our surgeons to produce a dramatic aesthetic transformation.
An endoscopic brow lift is designed to elevate drooping tissue and smooth away wrinkles, fine lines and creases in the forehead area. Because a lowered brow can create a perpetually angry, tired or aged expression, the procedure can revitalize your face and take years off your appearance.
The endoscopic brow lift is performed through several tiny incisions, rather than a single lengthy one. A thin tube with a camera attached (an endoscope) is inserted beneath the skin. This tool allows our surgeons to view your underlying structures on a television screen in the operating room.
- Smooth away forehead wrinkles
- Elevate drooping eyebrows
- Lighten hooded eyelids
- Revitalize your overall expression
To be considered an ideal candidate for an endoscopic brow lift, you need to be in good overall health and have realistic expectations for what the procedure can accomplish. In addition, you should have forehead lines, wrinkles and drooping tissue that you’d like to address.
To begin your procedure, we will administer general anesthesia. This will ensure that you are unconscious and unable to experience any pain or discomfort.
From there, we will make three to five tiny incisions hidden within the hairline. We will insert an endoscope in one of the openings, which is a thin tube that has a camera attached to it. This camera will allow our surgeons to visualize the procedure on a television screen in the operating room.
Using tiny surgical tools, we will tighten the underlying muscles, smooth the appearance of your forehead, improve eyebrow symmetry, and elevate your brows.
We will then close the incisions with care to minimize any scarring and transfer you to the recovery room. Once the effects of the anesthesia have worn off, you will be free to return home to begin the recovery process.
Immediately after surgery, some temporary swelling and bruising in the treatment area is to be expected. This can persist for a week or so. During the initial recovery period, it’s important to keep your head elevated at all times to control swelling and ensure an optimal healing process.
During your brow lift, we will remodel your underlying facial structure and the skin to ensure natural, long-lasting results. Once the swelling has disappeared, you will see a smoother forehead, elevated brows, and an overall more youthful appearance. To preserve these beautiful results, it’s important to stay out of the sun and have non-invasive maintenance enhancements as recommended, such as laser treatments.
An endoscopic brow lift offers a dramatic transformation with minimal scarring and a relatively quick recovery period. To begin planning for your procedure, please contact our Del Mar or Coronado office today and schedule a consultation.
*Results may vary