- Mommy Makeover. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/mommy-makeover
- PLASTIC SURGERY STATISTICS REPORT 2020.; 2020. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/documents/News/Statistics/2020/plastic-surgery-statistics-full-report-2020.pdf
- Aesthetic Plastic Surgery National Databank. https://cdn.theaestheticsociety.org/media/statistics/2021-TheAestheticSocietyStatistics.pdf
Thigh Lift
A thigh lift is designed to reshape the legs by reducing excess skin and fat, resulting in smoother and better-proportioned contours. By trimming away excess volume in this way, the thighs and overall lower body can be improved.
Reach us directly at:
- (858) 358-7221 (Del Mar),
- (619) 320-2977 (Coronado),
- (949) 978-0716 (Newport).

A Brand New You
For generations, people have used various techniques to improve the appearance of their thighs. Although diet, exercise and flattering clothing styles help many look better, others remain dissatisfied due to stubborn,
unsightly bulges and excess skin that persist no matter what they do. When this occurs, a thigh lift can sculpt and contour the area, revealing a brand new look you can’t wait to show off.
Thigh lifts are done under general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep and unable to feel any pain or discomfort. There are two main techniques that are used, depending on the location of your excess fat and skin:
- Inner thigh lift: The inner thigh lift involves a discreet incision in the pubic area. Through that small opening, our plastic surgeons can remove unwanted fat, trim away excess skin and tighten the remaining tissue to restore a firm and youthful appearance.
- Outer thigh lift: The outer thigh lift requires an incision at the top of the leg. Depending on the amount of excess skin being removed, it may extend to your hips and buttocks as well. Through that opening, we can remove excess skin and tissue from the outside and front of the leg, before pulling it taught to lift the entire area.
Many of our patients have both an inner and outer thigh lift for a comprehensive transformation. Once your ideal thighs have been sculpted, we will carefully close the incisions to minimize any scarring. We may place drains to prevent the accumulation of fluid beneath the skin to assist with the healing process
If you have heavy, sagging thighs, a lift can give you a brand new look. However, the procedure is not right for every patient.
To be considered a candidate, you should:
- Want to remove excess skin and tissue along your thighs
- Be close to your ideal weight and committed to avoiding future fluctuations
- Be a non-smoker and in good general health
- Have realistic expectations for what the procedure can accomplish
If you primarily struggle with excess fatty deposits on your thighs – but not skin laxity – thigh liposuction may be sufficient. Liposuction is a safe and simple way to improve the contours of your legs. The procedure is designed to remove fat from the area, but it cannot address excess skin. It is ideal for men and women who have tried to target their unwanted fat with diet and exercise, but have not been successful.
A thigh lift can create the body contour you’ve been unable to achieve through diet and exercise alone. To begin planning your procedure, please contact our Del Mar, Newport or Coronado office today and schedule a consultation.
Recovery & Results
Your recovery depends on the procedures you have chosen to undergo. Patients should anticipate a recovery time comparable to the most thorough surgery you’re planning to have. A great example of an extensive surgery is an abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck. Since a tummy tuck may involve surgery on the core muscles, the recovery period is longer than it is for other procedures at around 6 weeks total. You will receive detailed after-care instructions so that you know how best to care for yourself after your procedure is completed.